Welcome 2019
I have this feeling. That 2019 is going to be a happening year, not just for me but for the people around me as well.
2018 has been kind to me. Chance encounters transforming into more meaningful and eventful experiences. People have been kind. Individuals. I received more than I gave or was in the capacity to give.
My single hope for 2019 is that I offer more. But that encompasses all. My growth, my learnings, the diverse experiences I go through, all ensures my capacity to offer more.
I hope to find greater meanings in the beautiful little dreams I'm travelling with. I hope I get to do all the different things I'm personally attached to. One at a time.
It is also the time we as a society build our general consciousness and awareness. Major political games are under way. That might even vehemently change the rest of the course of action of our nation.
There are powers that want us to be passive observers. Let us not only hold our leaders and representatives accountable, but keep questioning our own involvement in and contribution to the affliction and well-being both, of the state and the system.
It is important to take affirmative actions in whatever context one operates in. The glorious is in the attempt.
Interesting times ahead.